Congregazione dell'Immacolata Concezione

Abbatia B.M.V. de Lerina
Révérendissime Père Abbé Président Dom Vladimir Gaudrat OCist
Abbaye Notre Dame de Lérins
Île Saint Honorat
F—06414 Cannes cedex
Tel.: +33 (4) 92 99 54 00 • 92 99 54 03 [Abbas]
Fax: +33 (4) 92 99 54 01 • 92 99 54 02 [Abbas]
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Web: http://www.abbayedelerins.com
Statio viæ ferr.: Cannes (3 km)
Aëroportus: Nice (20 km)
Diœcesis: Foroiuliensis-Tolonensis (Fréjus-Toulon)

Prioratus simplex B.M.V. de Senanqua
Révérend Père Prieur Jean M. Gervais OCist
Abbaye N.–D. de Sénanque
F—84220 Gordes
Tel.: +33 (4) 90 72 02 05 . 90 72 17 92 (le hôtelier)
Fax: +33 (4) 90 72 07 45 . 90 72 17 95
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://www.senanque.fr
Statio viæ ferr.: Avignon (40 km)
Aëroportus: Marseille (100 km)
Archidiœcesis: Avenionensis (Avignon)

Abbatia B.M.V. de Nazareth
Révérendissime Père Abbé Dom Raphaël Bouchard OCist
Abbaye de N.–D. de Nazareth
471, Principale
Rougemont, P. Q., J0L 1M0
Tel.: +1 (450) 469 28 80
Fax: +1 (450) 469 25 51
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Abbas Raphael Bouchard: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.abbayederougemont.org
Aëroportus: Montreal-Dorval
Diœcesis: Sancti Hyacinthi (Saint-Hyacinthe)

Abbatia B.M.V. de SS. Corde Iesu
Révérendissime Père Abbé Pierre Khoa Nguyen Thai Binh OCist
Dan Vien Xito Thanh Mau Tam My Ca
Ton Lap Dinh - Xa Cam Hoa
Huyen Cam Lam - Tinh Khanh Hoa
Tel.: +84 (058) 386 33 87 ( 0918027120)
Statio viæ ferr.: CAM-HÒA
Diœcesis: Nhatrangensis (Nhatrang)

Prioratus conventualis Dominus Tecum
Reverendo Padre Priore Emanuele Marigliano OCist
Monastero Dominus Tecum
Pra'd Mill
I—12031 Bagnolo Piemonte (CN)
Tel.: +39 (0175) 39 28 13
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://www.dominustecum.it
Diœcesis: Saluzzo

Abbatia B.M.V. de Pace
Révérende Mère Abbesse Aline-Marie Pintos OCist
Abbaye de N.-D. de la Paix
271, route de St. Blaise, La Plane
F—06670 Castagniers
Tel.: +33 (4) 93 08 05 12
Fax: +33 (4) 93 08 35 18
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Abbesse Aline-Marie: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://abbayenotredamedelapaix.fr/
Statio viæ ferr.: Nice (17 km) • Castagniers (4 km)
Aëroportus: Nice (20 km)
Diœcesis: Nicensis (Nice)
Pater immediatus: Abbas de Lérins

Prioratus sui iuris affiliatus B.M.V. de Pace
Révérende Mère Supérieure Marie Lys Philip de Laborie OCist
Abbaye Sainte Marie de Rieunette
F—11250 Ladern sur Lauquet
Tel.: +(33) (4) 68 69 69 06
Fax: +(33) (4) 68 69 69 05
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.rieunette.org
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.rieunette.org
Statio viæ ferr.: Verzeille (7 km)
Aëroportus: Carcassonne (23 km)
Diœcesis: Carcassonensis (Carcassonne)
Pater immediatus: Prior de Dominus Tecum